Introducing Mia Lawrie

We are delighted to introduce FEPPS’ newest staff member, Mia Lawrie! Mia joined us last week as our Academic Program Manager. She is a womanist scholar dedicated to community cultivation, bringing higher education outside the walls of the academy, and amplifying the voices of the unheard. Her work has manifested in many ways from working in healthcare, teaching in universities, and organizing for various movements. Mia started working with FEPPS as a volunteer instructor, (she co-taught our first ever Black Cultural Studies course last fall) and became deeply inspired by our mission and engaged students. She plans on bringing her facilitation, administration, and community development skills, from her ongoing PhD work in Communication at the University of Washington, to grow with FEPPS. You can reach Mia at to talk about Lizzo, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or you know, work stuff :)

Image description: FEPPS Academic Program Manager Mia Lawrie smiling in front of banner with FEPPS logo.

Image description: FEPPS Academic Program Manager Mia Lawrie smiling in front of banner with FEPPS logo.




Announcing FEPPS’ Bachelors Degree